
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
MLM SS 287: Dream Big and Charge
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Jessie Eckel is a 27%ER, An average person with an above-average desire who is willing to let himself Dream Big and CHARGE.
When I first heard Jessie Eckel my initial thought was he has to be one of the most naïve entrepreneurs I have ever heard or the greatest con man on the planet. I have since discovered he was one of the most naïve entrepreneurs I have ever heard.
Please don’t mistake Jessie’s naivete for lack of intelligence.
He is a very intelligent and intuitive young man. It is very important as you listen to this session to remind yourself. he went from unemployed to a net worth of 1.6 million dollars in 16 months.
What can we learn from his story & others like Jessie’s? In this session, we will examine Jessie's story and look at all the Wisdom of the Ages success principles he PUT INTO ACTION on his journey.
If you are a regular listener of this podcast or a member of our programming your mind for success community, you have heard me say many times ALL Self-Made Successful people have basically the SAME THOUGHT PROCESS. They all are action takers who fall into the 6 or 7 categories of entrepreneurs we will also be reviewing in this session.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
MLM SS 286: Entrepreneurs: Fire Yourself
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
If you have not heard Dale’s podcast session #285 titled. You can make $$$ or you can make Excuses, but YOU CAN’T MAKE THEM BOTH, we highly suggest you listen to that session first, it should help you meld the points together.
As promised in last week's session this week we will give you access to a private webinar Dale held a couple of weeks ago with his Ihub Global team.
Mr. Calvert will tell you that the number one goal he has always had when building teams is that when people leave, they are more self-aware, skilled, and confident marketers than when they join his team.
For this to happen Dale has always been authentic, 100% truthful, and known as a leader who is willing to tell people what they need to hear, but may not always want to hear. Honestly many in the profession don’t like him speaking the truth and would rather him participate in keeping the masses blind. If you know Dale, you know that is not his style and nobody has ever accused him of being politically correct or worrying about what he calls the network marketing good ole boy network.
This session is a rubber hits the road honest message to people on his team that needed to fire themselves, re-focus, and start again smarter with new information.
In this session, Dale shares that on 3 separate occasions during his entrepreneurial journey he had to consciously, emotionally, and mentally fire himself, then re-hire himself with a different work ethic and different level of expectation.
Sometimes the facts are different ….. where an opportunity is today vs. where they were when you started. This is certainly the case with Ihub Global, many of the unknowns have been removed as hotspots are now being shipped around the country, and soon the world.
We feel strongly that many of our weekly podcast listeners need to hear and understand this concept of firing yourself & rehiring yourself. We hope making this private session open to our listeners will provide value for those that need to hear it.
Websites referenced in this session:
You can make money or you can make Excuses, but YOU CAN’T MAKE THEM BOTH www.mlmsuccess.com/story285
Your first 5 steps to passive cryptocurrency profits, www.mlmsuccess.com/story284
Find Passive Cryptocurrency ideas here: http://www.cmgcrypto.com
Learn more about the Ihub Global HNT Helium Hotspot Opportunity here: http://www.cmgcrypto.com

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
MLM SS 285: You Can Make Money Or You Can Make Excuses, But You Can’t Make Both
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
It is my hope that by the end of this session it is very clear to you, that life happens, your situation is not special, we all have challenges, and THE BOTTOM Line in business, all business you can make money or you can make excuses, but you can’t make both.
Websites Referenced in this session:
RUN WHEN YOU CAN RUN podcast. https://mlmsuccess.com/story57
Dale’s Ihub Global Website www.CMGIHubTeam.com
Dale’s aplgo team website www.NorthAmericaLaunchTeam.com
Dale’s Cryptocurrency Blog www.cmgcrypto.com

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
MLM SS 284: Your First 5 Steps To Passive Income
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Don’t be enamored with Jim Rohn, distracted by your future spouse, and OVERWHELMED WITH THE Cryptocurrency $$ flying at you everywhere.
This session is a continuation of the thought process Dale shared in last week’s session titled SHOW ME THE MONEY. www.mlmsuccess.com/story283
Mr. Calvert believes there is more passive income to be made in the cryptocurrency space than most people can wrap their minds around. Even experienced network marketers.
He finds that fascinating when you consider the network marketing business model made the words PASSIVE INCOME Mainstream.
In this session, Dale will share with you the 5 Steps you can take RIGHT NOW to invest your business profits into income-generating cryptocurrency platforms and get your money working for you.
Websites, Articles, and Resources Covered in this Session:
SHOW ME THE MONEY PODCAST www.mlmsuccess.com/story283
LEARN MORE ABOUT ITRUS CAPITAL CRYPTO ROTH IRA https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/25/cryptocurrency-ira
How to Start a 20% APY Crypto Saving Account with Anchor Protocol. https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/20/anchor
Create a Crypto investment bankroll. 12 Ways to get free crypto. http://www.IGetMineFree.com
Learn how to lease your Ihub Global HNT Hotspot Miner for only $18 monthly here. http://www.cmgihubteam.com
BONUS How to get paid 10% Monthly Returns with Yield Nodes https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/03/02/yield-nodes-review
Bitcoin 101 (An introduction to Bitcoin, the role it will play in the future, and how to profit from it now https://cmgcrypto.com/2021/12/29/bitcoin-101
CRYPTO CURRENCY IS THE FUTURE OF FINANCE (The Facts are the Facts) https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/20/crypto-currnecy-is-the-future-of-finance-the-facts-are-the-facts
Why are More Than 90% of Wealthy Crypto Investors Self-Made? https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/03/15/why-are-more-than-90-of-wealthy-crypto-investors-are-self-made/
The biggest mistake in crypto investing (hands down no question) https://cmgcrypto.com/2021/12/14/the-biggest-mistake-in-crypto-investing-hands-down-no-questio

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
MLM SS 283: Show Me The Money!
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Why did you really get involved with your network marketing company? Mr. Calvert truly believes that the Top 3 Benefits of joining an MLM company are.
#1 The personal growth required to become a team leader and to maximize your full income potential. THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.
Your business will never grow larger than you do, as a leader.
#2 The authentic friendships that are developed. We live in a world full of people we have never met that we call friends. However, if you are with the right team and the right team culture you will develop authentic lifelong friendships in this profession.
#3 Is the freedom and lifestyle the residual income can create. When Dale joined his first network marketing company 40 years ago he thought if I could ever work his way up to $100,000 a year income and not have a boss, life couldn’t get much better than that.
Listen closely, and to the own self be true. The ying and the yang of the network marketing business model is that personal growth is so life-changing and the friendships become so deep that sometimes we forget about the real reason we joined this profession, the money.
More importantly, what that money will provide for individuals and our families in terms of security, lifestyle & freedom, and a sense of personal accomplishment.
In this session, Dale will take a deep dive into this concept, and a change in philosophy on how today you have the opportunity to immediately develop your business profits into passive income crypto projects than can help you quit your job, retire your spouse, or even develop financial independence much quicker.
Websites Referenced in this Session:
Dale’s Personal Ihub Global Team Website
Dale’s Crypto Opportunities Website
20% APR Crypto Savings Account
Mining the Deeper Connect Mini – Unlimited Smart VPN Router/Miner
Yield Nodes Earn 10% Monthly

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
MLM SS 282: Finding Your Entrepreneurial Tribe - (6 Important Questions to Ask Yourself)
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
The title of this podcast session is Finding your entrepreneurial tribe. Honestly, this is a topic that I have zero emotional connection with.
Over my life, I have become aware, observed, and studied the tribe concept. I acknowledge that I am not normal and that 99% of humans operate better and achieve their full upside potential operating in the right entrepreneurial tribe with a culture of wisdom……. what I call wisdom of the ages.
I also know that not giving a flying flip what any individual thinks or tribe of people think has given me a deeper desire to support and encourage all entrepreneurial-spirited people. Another flaw in my DNA that is not normal, I care too much and have an overwhelming need to support and encourage all entrepreneurial-spirited people. I don’t care what kind of business they are involved with as long as it is legal, ethical, and moral I feel the need to support them.
In this session, I will share with you 6 intelligent questions all entrepreneurs should answer for themselves before connecting with a mentor or tribe of people. I hope these six questions serve you well.

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
MLM SS 281: Time to Build Again? The Tony Shoupe Story
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Over the years we have all met people who at one time in their life gave their heart and soul to a network marketing company. They had success, but not the level of success they had hoped for, many times for reasons they had absolutely no control over.
Unfortunately for the industry, many times these people leave the profession determined never to return. The truth is, everyone falls in love with their first company.
After you give a company, or profession your heart and soul and your dreams fade it is very hard to come up with the determination, focus, and belief it takes to dream again. How many times have you heard, I just can’t do it again?
I get that, people mistakenly think all network marketing team cultures and all opportunities are basically the same, and the truth is nothing is further from the truth.
I have no doubt that as you listen to Tony’s story you will be thinking of people you have met or maybe even former team members that need to hear it, I hope you will share it with them.
Websites mentioned in this session:
Want to meet with Mr. Calvert and Tony Shoupe in Lexington Kentucky on Monday, March 21st? Let Dale know dale@cmgcrypto.com
Mr. Calvert’s Ihub Global team website. www.cmgihubteam.com
Dale’s MLM Training Club www.MLMTrainingClub.com
Meet the Team https://youtu.be/mA1Q0pPUEb8

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
MLM SS 280: Knowledge Without Action Leads To Self-Delusion
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
In this session, you will learn how to break out, get focused, get out of your own way and become the Top Producer you know is inside you.
You will learn how and why Dale came up with the quote “Knowledge without Action Leads to Self-Delusion” and how you can move from being a wannapreneuer to an entrepreneur that is building a progressing growing business organization.
Websites Referenced in this Session:
Dale Calvert’s Ihub Team
Bad cryptocurrency investors.
12 Rules for Life Jordan Peterson Book
Want to Meet Up in Lexington, Ky. On 3/21 ?
Let me know. dale@cmgcrypto.com
Success Leaves Clue featuring Jewell & Ernest from Africa

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
In this session, Dale makes an important point for all serious entrepreneur-spirited people who want to reach success as soon as possible. Is that you?
Is it really? Over the last 40 years, Mr. Calvert has helped thousands of entrepreneurs in multiple niches breakthrough and put themselves on a realistic path to success. He will help your find your 3- Step Reset in this unique session.
Websites referenced in this session:
How to sell items on eBay, Facebook market place and more.
MLM Success Rabbit Holes
MLM Success #241 -42-43 & 44

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Dale says he was not sure where the term “the goose that is laying the Golden Eggs came from”? Is it a bedtime children’s story? A nursery rhyme? Hr honestly wasn't sure, so I decided to look it up.
It came from Aesop's fables in which a farmer and his wife had a goose that laid one golden egg every day. The couple decided to butcher the goose as they thought its insides must be made of gold as well and then they can have all the golden eggs it held within.
Speaks to the lack of patience in humans.
In this podcast session, Mr. Calvert wants to START to give listeners of this session a glimpse of a land where geese with golden eggs run freely everywhere.
He believes those that make the DECISION that you are going to learn all they can, will step into a world that not only can change your life, but he truly believes future generations as well.
Anchor Parodical
Strong Nodes
Free Report: How to Profit from Cryptocurrencies
You can access all references from this session here:
Rest in Peace
A Tribute to the MLM King of Norway Asbjørn Ølnes
Bob Crisp
Raising a Giant https://amzn.to/3sQpzHn