
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
MLM SS 297: I Would Rather Be ( ???????? ) Than Rich?
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
If you have money mental blocks, how do you expect to ever develop financial independence? In this session Mr. Calvert will walk you through a simple exercise that will help you identify any money blocks you may have, and if you do, he will give you suggestions to work through those issues.
He will also talk about the 3-4 other mental blocks that prevent entrepreneurs from achieving their full upside potential.
Websites referenced in this session:

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
In this session, Mr. Calvert is talking about financial success, what does financial success mean for you? What are your personal goals for this week, this month, the rest of this year, and the next 3-5 years?
Dale will cover 5 financial principles that will play a huge role in your long-term financial success ……… and the one principle he believes is the most important to form your thoughts around.
Learning Curve vs. Upside Income Potential Provided.
Websites mentioned in this session:
You are already Successful - https://youtu.be/DTwQ4AtYVD4
Flipping Domain Software - https://onlineauctionu.com/pr-rage
Cryptocurrency Investing Insights - http://www.cmgcrypto.com
The Number One Business Opportunity today?
Contact Dale here: Dale@DaleCalvert.com

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
MLM SS 295: Entrepreneurial Pattern Awareness for REAL Entrepreneurs
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
What is that smell? It is the rubber hitting the road! It is what Mr. Calvert calls Entrepreneurial Pattern Awareness for REAL Entrepreneurs.
In this session, he is going to share with you the 5 Entrepreneurial patterns he has identified. We hope you are what he calls a solid entrepreneur, but if not that you will identify your entrepreneurial pattern. If your pattern is not serving you well on your journey, it is our hope that you will finally make the decision to change if necessary to fulfill your true upside potential.
We live in disruptive times. This year is ½ over. If you are ever going to change, now is the time.
To thy own self be true!
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Dale’s Programming Your Mind for Success Course
Best income Generating Opportunity for traditional business owners
A Private Message to 73 Solid Entrepreneurs
Mel Robbins the 5 Second Rule

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Progress and moving forward in your life and business is the theme of this session. Dale believes it starts with identifying the 3 most important you should ask yourself at the end of each day, based on the business model you are involved in.
Dale will also share how he departmentalizes in his mind, people, into 3 categories.
1) The Real World
2) The Entrepreneurial World
3) The Personal Development Students
As always your feedback and comments are appreciated.
Websites mentioned in this session:
The Heritage Foundation Crypto Town Meeting
The 7 Lies of Attraction Marketing in MLM available
at Barnes & Noble
The #1 Income Opportunity Dale has seen in 40 years as an entrepreneur www.200DollarScreens.com

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
In this session Mr. Calvert will share the only side Hustle you can start from scratch and become a millionaire in 12 months & also what he is calling (The Side Hustle Shift of 2023).
Dale will also share with you a 5-step formula for identifying legit opportunities that may be worth your time and how to avoid everything else. It is our hope that you will be able to use this 5 STEP FORMULA THE REST OF YOUR entrepreneurial career, because real entrepreneurs pivot.
Dale along with many credible entrepreneurs with track records believe most of the side gig videos on YouTube are just fluff.
In fact in this session he says “the only place side gig profits come before education and action is on YouTube and in 95% of the fluff blog article online regarding the subject”.
In this session you will learn exactly how and why the side gig income market has shifted in 2023. In this session Mr. Calvert will also reveal to you the only side opportunity he has seen during his 40+ years as an entrepreneur that provides a real opportunity to start from scratch and create a million-dollar income over the next 12 months.
We understand that statement sounds ridiculous but we invite you to open your mind and stay with Mr. Calverts thought process in this session, we think you will be glad you did.
Websites mentioned in this session:
The 3 min video for small business owners.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
If you have not listed to session one of this 2 part series, listen now before you listen to this session. It is available here: www.mlmsuccess.com/story291
In this session Dale will share with you multiple investment & business that most of the world is not aware of yet, and that he will be taking advantage of over the next few years.
Websites referenced in this session:
Dale’s Ihub Team www.cmgihubteam.com
The first year million dollar opportunity https://dalecalvert.com/loop-tv
How millionaires will be made in the metaverse featuring Mark Zuckelberg’s Metaverse Video
Mr. Wonderful Bitcoin Conference “Crypto is Software” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgoZGn6Y74g
Gala Games is currently a 25 cent token, can it reach $10.00? https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/03/25/gala-games
The Success Principle the Internet has Stolen https://amzn.to/3POwLOW
JP Morgan opens first Bank in the Metavers https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/22/jp-morgan-metaverse
How To Make 100x Flipping Metaverse Crypto Coins (Full Guide Metaverse Investing) https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/11/metaverse-cryptocurrency
Waymo Driverless Cars https://youtu.be/z5eaOo-2eJM Dale’s Crypto Education Blog www.cmgcrypto.com

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
The main theme of this podcast is a simple truth that will not be understood by the masses until it is too late.
“Block Chain Technology, Decentralized Finance and the crypto space is providing opportunities to entrepreneurs that didn’t even exist a couple of years ago & most people don’t even know exist today.”
They provide set and forget passive income opportunities unlike any the world has ever seen, and the opportunity to make a lifetime income in a few years.
In this session Mr. Calvert will share with you passive income opportunities in what he calls the gizmo and gadgets crypto category.
He is not talking about specific cryptocurrencies but plug and play devices that can create ongoing monthly passive income for you each and every month.
One of these devices is in the pre-beta phase at the time of this recording and he feels offers entrepreneurs more upside income poenitentia than any opportunity he has seen in his life. A true win for the customer, the affiliate, and the company that could only be available because of the block chain technology that is available today.
Make sure you subscribe to this channel and turn on bell notifications so you can be notified when next week part two of this session drops where Dale will reveal the crypto category the worlds first Trillionaire will emerge from.
Websites Referenced in this session:
The crypto gadget that will allow some entrepreneurs to go from $0.00 to ONE MILLION DOLLARS in 12 months. https://dalecalvert.com/loop-tv
Top 10 Agricultural Trends & Innovations for 2022 ( IOT #1 )
The Top 5 Plug & Play Crypto Mining Opportunities
1) The Helium Plug and Play Mining Opportunity with Dale’s CMG Ihub Global Team http://www.cmgihubteam.com
2) NODLE Mine the NODL token with your cell phone.
4) Hivemapper Dashcam
5) RevoFi Rev Token Mining

Tuesday May 17, 2022
MLM SS 290: Thriving in a Dysfunctional Market
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
The truth is the network marketing business model has been dysfunctional for many years. We can go as far back as 1999 when Mr. Calvert first released his audio training Network Marketing is a Scam (available free at www.mlmscam2.com )
Only a few years ago, what we see happening today would be defined by the majority of people on the planet as chaos and insanity.
So how do those of us with entrepreneurial spirits, focus, progress forward, and thrive in such a dysfunctional world?
In this session, Dale will share with you 6 key concepts and “wisdom of the ages philosophies to focus on. We hope you will internalize them, and that they will support you on your entrepreneurial journey.
Websites mentioned in this session.
Lead Capture Page for sale on Flippa
Harvard Study on Goals
Programming Your Mind for Success Course
RICH STRIKE Kentucky Derby Run
The 5th Star
(Best Network Marketing Opportunity of 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_ibRV6j2m8&t=3s
Dale’s MLM Training Club
Want to participate in Mr. Calvert’s Training Liquidation Sale? Send $35 via PayPal. Dale T Calvert @Gmail . com

Tuesday May 10, 2022
MLM SS 289: Dream Big and Charge. Part 3: Jessie Eckel Story - Brainwashed
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
If you have not heard the first two sessions of this series, please listen to them first or you will be totally lost.
In this session, Mr. Calvert discovers the 7 Entrepreneurial mindsets and what it takes to develop a jet fuel mindset, and why most entrepreneurs never accomplish this level.
2) READY FIRE – AIME entrepreneurs
3) Ready – Aim- Fire
4) Ready fire fire fire fire fire fire fire and fire again entrepreneurs.
5) Mature Entrepreneur
6) Jet Fuel Entrepreneur
7) Whale
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Stay in the Loop on Dale’s vetted crypto plays. https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/02/27/dales-loop
SPHERE Finance Auto Staking & Compounding Crypto Protocol EXPLAINED https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/04/13/sphere-finance
Dale’s Metaverse Mansion https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/04/19/real-estate-nfts

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
If you have not heard part 1 of this session, we highly recommend that you listen before you listen to that session before you hear this one. In this session, Mr. Calvert is going to share with you an entrepreneurial state of mind he calls Jet Fuel. For those of you that have followed his work over the years, he says he is extremely excited to share this session with you. Dale says the last time he can remember being this excited was several months ago when he shared with his personal team what he calls the 5th star, and how THE EMOTIONAL STATE OF THE MARKET determines the true upside potential of any business. If you haven’t heard that training, at
MLMSuccess.com we cannot recommend it highly enough, we will put the link below.
Websites Mentioned in this Session:
The Emotional State of the Market Determines the Upside Potential of Your Opportunity https://youtu.be/bZTVd40cg2w
Mark Cuban says 80% of his investments that aren’t on ‘Shark Tank’ are crypto-related: Here’s ‘where I look to invest’ https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/01/14/mark-cuban
How Millionaires will be Made Inside the Metaverse https://cmgcrypto.com/2022/01/18/metaverse-millionaires