
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
New Era 307: On Track From 0 to $300,000 in 18 Months. - The Allen Knight Story
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
At age 65, Colonel Harland Sanders from Corbin Kentucky hit his stride. He began franchising his chicken business using his $105 monthly Social Security check. He was sleeping on a campground and traveling up and down the interstate trying to convince truck stop diners that he could cook chicken better than they could, and they needed to pay him for his recipe and proprietary cooking process.
Today, Kentucky Fried Chicken operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 around the world.
I believe someday we will look back on the Allen Knight entrepreneurial journey and say 2022 was the year he hit his stride after 20 years of struggle.
Allen has been 100% plugged into our business building systems and mindset training from day one. Some theologians teach a concept called divine appointments which I believe happens.
There is an old Chinese proverb that says when the student is ready, the teacher will arrive, and that has certainly been the case in my life when I heard Zig Ziglar for the first time, Jim Burke, and others.
I think Allen Knight would tell you that our paths crossed at the perfect time for him. What he doesn’t realize it was the perfect time for me as well. Allen proved to me that there are still teachable, hard-working people in the world that JUST WANT TO WIN. For someone of you, this is the podcast session you have been waiting for, for years.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
The first time I met Dave Buchanan was about 5 years ago at an event that was held in Clear Florida. I remember the first time we met. He had me laughing and cracking up, talking about all the crazy ideas that self-proclaimed gurus had spread as best business practices throughout the network marketing profession.
Since that time, we have worked together on a couple of different projects and Dave has always been a dependable, solid, voice of reason for me.
Over the past couple of months, I have watched him consistently do the work and create a solid business rising as high as the top 10 affiliates during the beta program all while maintaining a full-time job working the 3rd shift.
It is our pleasure to share with you Dave Buchanan’s story in this podcast session, and if you know Dave, you know he is just getting started.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
In what network marketing company in the world has anyone taken 5 newbies with little or no network marketing experience, but definitely no team, and helped them all create at least a thousand dollar monthly residual income? IN THEIR FIRST TWO MONTHS?
You do realize that in today’s social club network marketing environment, nobody in your company or any company has come close to this type of accomplishment?
In fact, the #1 guy on Mike’s team has created a $15,000 + passive residual income without sponsoring anyone. His name is Dave West has zero direct sales or network marketing experience; he is an electrician.
So needless to say, this is a session you need to pay close attention to.
If you looked up the Phrase “Whatever it Takes” in the dictionary you should see Mike Culver’s picture. I have only known Mike less than a year, but over that time the respect that I have for him and his wife Erin has grown and I am proud to call them friends and business associates.
Mike Culver is an example of many former network marketing leaders that are discovering the unique team-building opportunity Ihub Global is offering burnt-out leaders. People who at one time led teams and have sworn off network marketing forever are joining our team every week.
In this session, you will learn exactly why Mike decided to join our CMG Digital Ihub Global Team.
You will hear strong evidence on why real entrepreneurs don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk and do whatever it takes to continue to move forward on their journey.
Mike Culver is from Wisconsin and he is an excellent example of what persistence looks like. We know you are going to enjoy this session, ladies, and gentlemen it is my pleasure to share with you the story of my friend and business associate Mike Culver.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
New Era 304: Break The Barrier - Featuring Shaklee Master Coordinator, Jim Burke
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
We are excited to welcome you to this special session of the New Era of Wealth Creation Podcast. If you have heard of Mr. Calvert’s training over the years you know that he believes that entrepreneurs should have many personal development mentors but only one niche mentor.
If you are building an Amazon FBA store, flipping houses, or building a network marketing team, Dale believes you should have ONE mentor. Trying to follow multiple people with “leadership titles” or proven track records is a guaranteed way to create confusion.
Dale’s network marketing team building mentor was Shaklee Master Coordinator Jim Burke.
Like many network marketers today, back in the day when Dale first started he was looking for as much information as he could get his hands on as it related to how to build a network marketing team.
It took a while but he finally found his MLM team-building mentor, his name was Jim Burke from Rapid City South Dakota.
After hearing him, Dale knew that he motivated others through truth, he was different and he was very motivational for Dale, but he wasn’t what Dale calls a forced, hyped, rah rah. Fu Fu dust leader. He was legit and he taught from personal experiences.
After hearing Jim, Mr. Calvert rarely purchased training audios from any other speakers. He has well over 200 audios from Mr. Burke. He was the one and only team-building mentor Mr. Calvert ever had in his career, he was the best, and Dale believes in a class by himself.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is our pleasure to introduce our podcast listeners to Dale’s team-building mentor, the one and only Jim Burke.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Joe is an entrepreneur and real estate investor from upstate New York. During the first 60 days of the Ihub Beta Joe has created over $2,500 in monthly passive income, working part-time.
Joe Richard lives in a small town, Walton, New York about an hour from Cooperstown where the Baseball Hall of Fame resides. Joe is a photographer by trade but has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and has been heavy into personal development and self-education since Mr. Calvert met him about 10 years ago.
Dale says the thing he has always appreciated about Joe is his authenticity. He understands that formal education makes you a living, if you become self-educated you can create freedom and a fortune. Joe is a laid-back, chill kind of guy, very value-focused, and very excited about what the IHub Meta opportunity can mean for businesses in his area, and around the USA.
We are excited for you to learn more about Joe and have him as our featured guest interview tonight. Joe is just another example of this fact. The blockchain, crypto, and decentralized finance have created wealth-generating income opportunities that weren't even available a couple of years ago, and that most people don't even understand exist today.
This is not financial advice, do your own due diligence. If you would like to learn more about the Ihub meta opportunity you can contact Joe at 607-437-5004.
Websites referenced in this session:

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
New Era 302: Why Corporate Executives Choose Network Marketing
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
This week our special guest interview is with Dan Parks. Dan Parks like Dale Calvert has always seen network marketing like a micro franchise, which means a team must be systemized if they expect to duplicate.
He realized that the way most people approach network marketing today, duplication would be an impossibility and really didn’t seem to be the focus of people with leadership titles in various companies.
That is how he found Mr. Calvert and the MLM Success podcast. Dale says, a few years ago, I noticed every time I posted something on my business Facebook page on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/dalecalvertpage that I considered to be deep, a brain tweak if you will that some guy named Dan Parks would give it a thumbs up or make an intelligent comment.
All of you understand how rare intelligent comments are made on social media, especially on Facebook, so that got his attention.
When we decided to help APLGO launch in the USA and started the North America Launch team, Dan joined us and was a founding member. The only time we have ever met in person was at the kickoff event in Las Vegas for that company.
Since our first meeting, we have talked maybe 4 or 5 times on the phone. You guys that are with us every week know that Dan doesn’t miss a live team zoom. He doesn’t say a lot but when he does, he always adds value. Like many of you, he just puts his head down and does the work.
He has been listed on the IHub Global leader boards a couple of times during the Beta Launch. I got to know Dan Parks a little better during this interview and I believe you will get value from this session.
When I say Dan is a business executive, I mean it. Dan Parks lives in Franklin, TN, and serves as an equity owner of the company that is consulting/working with the leadership of the company.
Dan Parks has a formal education in Micro-Electronics engineering and an International MBA. He served in the military with the 10th Special Forces unit and also the 163rd Armed Cavalry National Guard unit as a Helicopter Pilot, Dan is a licensed Pilot of Planes, Helicopters, and Hot Air Balloons.
Dan has 35 years of organizational leadership from CIO, COO, and CEO of companies with 5 to 5,000 employees. Dan has grown revenue to $500,000 and driven 500% revenue growth year after year.
He has 19 years of Network Marketing experience that opened his eyes to a world that he had so many misconceptions about.
Dan learned from his father that you can’t lead unless you have been led, you can't show how to work unless you have done the work. A few facts about Dan,1992 was in Sports Illustrated, has been to Antarctica, lives outside the box, and has a passion for cooking.
If you live in Tennessee or are business executive who would like to learn more about the IHub Meta Program you can find Dan on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/dan.parks.16

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
I am very excited for all of you to have the opportunity to meet Kamala Robinson from Michigan. We are in a new era of income generation and the opportunity for wealth creation that didn’t even exist a couple of years ago. It wasn’t even possible. But because of smart contracts on the block chain, crypto, and decentralized finance an entire new category is emerging. Kamala along with many of our team members are in the market place, proving this new Era does exist, every day.
A lot of people will see Kamala where she is today, currently #4 on the top 25 producers in the Ihub Meta, Beta program in the United States. But some of us remember her when she started and have witnessed the last 5 years of her entrepreneurial journey first hand. I did some research today. I met Kamala about 4 or 5 years ago at an event that was held here in Atlanta.
Honestly, the only thing I really remember about that first meeting was she had been or was with a company called IT WORKS, & told me that somebody had recommended that she get plugged into our systems and training for network marketer’s Kamala signed up for our Newsletter at mlmhelp.com in June of 2017 (www.mlmhelp.com ) She became a MLM Training Club Member 3 months later in Sept of 2017 ( http://www.mlmtrainingclub.com ) and in December of that year when we opened up the Programming Your Mind for Success Advanced Course she became a member of that. ( http://www.programmingyourmind.com ) She is a member of CMG Book Club and helps Shellie Giddings our with that. ( www.cmgbookclub.com )
Since we first met, she has been a part of everything we’ve done and been on every open training webinar we have conducted, and has been a dedicated, focused student. I can honestly say that the Kamala Robinson many of you know and love today is not remotely close to the same person, I met 5 years ago back in 2017. Her personal growth and transformation is proof of what can happen when you dedicated yourself to avoid the self proclaimed gurus fluff and fu fu dust and make wisdom of the ages success principal mindsets part of who you are as a human being.
Many of us have watched her break out during the beta stage of the Ihub Meta program as of 7:47 this morning she has enrolled 28 businesses into the program who have a total of 78 TV screens, so that is 78 players that have been or will be hooked up on business owners TV’s. That equates to a $7,800 in monthly passive income for herself that she has created her first 2 months and I believe she will tell you she is just getting started.

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
The session, session 300 is the last session of the MLM Success Podcast as we have known it. In this session Mr. Calvert asks a very simple question. Based upon the lack of growth with every consumable products company to be launched over the past 5 years, why would any business minded person consider getting involved with a consumable products network marketing company in August of 2022.
It is Dale's position, that the days of new consumable products network marketing companies are over. He shares with you the facts as to why he believes the numbers show this. He also will share with you what he is calling the New Era of Team Building or the Evolution of the network marketing business model that 99% of those in network marketing with leadership titles, don’t even know exist yet.
Websites mentioned in this session.
Available on Amazon https://amzn.to/3oIFdD3

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
In this session, Mr. Calvert talks about Personal Growth Strategies and how they are part of nature and can be found by all that take the time to STOP and look.
A transcript of this session is available here: https://dalecalvert.com/personal-growth-patterns
Learn More About Ihub Meta Opportunity Here http://www.plugandplaycrypto.com
Websites and tools referenced in this podcast session:
The Success System the Internet has Stolen (Finding a Success Mentor) https://amzn.to/3S9CujB
SELF AWARENESS BOOKS What Color is Your Personality? https://amzn.to/3BhahkC
Why You Act the Way You Do https://amzn.to/3Q7PZOX
The 5 Love Languages https://amzn.to/3orxokY
Why Network Marketers Are Frustrated & Don’t Have a Clue What They are Doing https://amzn.to/3PuRYwx
Dale’s Programming Your Mind for Success Course www.ProgrammingYourMind.com

Monday Jul 18, 2022
MLM SS 298: Stop Drinking Your Own Kool-Aide – EXAMINE Your Track Record
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Brand New Free PDF Report from Dale.
In this very personal session, Dale speaks frankly about those who need to develop confidence on their entrepreneurial journey, those who need to decide to run again, and those that are attempting to live on past successes.
You will get deep insights on what Dale calls the ”New Era” of side gig income opportunities and learn why it is now possible again to develop financial independence within 3-5 years because of smart contracts on the blockchain, crypto, and decentralized finance.
Website referenced in this session