
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
If you are a regular listener to this podcast you have heard me say many times. “Knowledge without action leads to self-delusion”.
I know with everything within me that 2023 is the year to stop learning and start taking action on the most unique one-of-a-kind business opportunity in history and create financial independence.
My promise to you in this session is to share with you the number one income-generating opportunity in history.
In this session, I have one goal. Wake you up, or piss you off so bad that there is no chance we will ever communicate with each other in the future.
I am not trying to be rude or crude.
The number of people that think they are entrepreneurs who are just delusional information seekers is staggering to me.
Over the past year, I have spent 15 -20 minutes on the phone with close to 200 people who have joined our team and said they want to become financially independent.
They talk a big game, they understand the potential of the opportunity. They understand we have no fees to join, no autoship, you just go into the marketing and give away quality entertainment for business owners in the case of Loop or free money from the government in the case of our new ERC division. They have heard the stories of team members who are creating huge cash flow without even building a team.
They get fired up, but never get on the field and play the game.
Many have been stuck in this treadmill pattern for years ………… If that is you, you have a very unique opportunity in 2023 to break out of that pattern, and in this session, we will share with you exactly how you can break out and create financial independence in 2023.
The number one financial opportunity in history.
The 5 Sequential Steps to ERC Success
To become a member of the CMG Ihub Global Team, get back to the person that shared this podcast with you, or if you randomly found this podcast session, click here to become a member of the CMG Ihub Global ERC Team. https://ercfilenow.com/refer/cmgroup

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Gordy and Kelly Alderson are dear friends of mine. We have known each other since they joined me 25 years ago in a company called NII. They are solid rock business people and are honest, ethical, and hard-working. We originally featured them in session 143 of this podcast.
LISTEN …. I UNDERSTAND! I wouldn’t believe what you are about to hear if I were you, but it is 100% True. In their first 40 days of marketing the Ihub Global ERC program through Bottom Line Concepts, they have submitted a business that will pay them over 1 million dollars in commissions.
They are not the only ones. Ten of the Top 25 Affiliate partners in Ihub Global are currently part of our team. We are focused and working hard.
At some point in the future, I will have Gordy and Kelly on live to hear their story, but at this point, it makes no sense to take them out of the field, even for an hour.
Here is the story.
Over the past 18 months, thousands of people have already become millionaires. You can hear the entire story here:
This is the most lucrative income generator I have seen in 40+ years as an entrepreneur. If you know me, you know If I say it I believe it and that statement is backed by documented facts.
This is 100% documented.
In less than 2 months since our company introduced this vertical ………
I have over 10 team members that have created contracts worth $100,000+ in commissions to them.
I have two that have done over $300,000 in commissions
1 that has done over $400,000 in commissions
AND Gordy & Kelly have done over 1 Million Dollars in commissions
IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS! Without recruiting anyone! All of this in less than 40 days!
So when I say you can become a millionaire in 2023, I MEAN IT!
This vertical was introduced 40 days ago. We have no product to sell, no autoship. We are helping small businesses recover ERC funds. If you have not heard about this yet, you will. Odds are you have seen the
TV commercials or heard the radio ads.
The only way to describe this is a Halley's Comet Opportunity. As you know, Halley's Comet can be seen once in a lifetime. That is what this is. You can get the details here: http://www.halleyscometbiz.com
I say this is the most lucrative opportunity I have seen in my life, I MEAN IT. If you have any entrepreneurial blood running through your veins, you owe it to yourself to stop wasting your time in nickel-and-dime niche business social clubs, and GET THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF!

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
New Era 315: Keep Your Pipeline Full (The Secret to All Business Success)
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
The Success Formula Mr.Calvert has taught for years is. X Number of People Contacted = Reasons Fulfilled.
If you are fortunate enough to find a hot niche with a product or service that the market really want to buy then your number one goal is to keep your pipeline full! What does that really mean, keep your pipeline full with leads? Over the years there is probably a good chance that you have seen Mr. Calvert’s Stuff the Funnel training. When he heard the keep your pipeline full training, he immediately wanted to make sure that he shared it with his team, in audio form, so team members would have the opportunity to listen to it over and over because repetition is the key to learning. We hope you enjoy this session, if you have found the right opportunity, with the right team at the right time in history, this session will share with you the secret to maximize you’re your success.
Websites Referenced:
The Foundation for all Success www.ProgrammingYourMind.com
How to Keep Your Pipeline Full www.LocalMLMLeads.com
Dale’s Generic Network Marketing Mastery Course www.MLMTrainingClub.com
ERC Affiliate Opportunity https://ercfilenow.com/r/cmgroup

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Jim Rohn said the secret to success is being able to figure out how to combine thankfulness with ambition.
Today we seem to be surrounded by people that are in a state of Entitlement, Lack of Focus & Self Delusion.
Meanwhile, I work with a group of entrepreneurs that are determined to end this year with a bang and make the next the best year they have ever had in their life financially.
For me, the exciting thing is this entire journey has been pretty well documented over the years through this podcast.
The truth is a new era of wealth generation is here because of the blockchain, crypto, and decentralized finance that didn’t even exist a couple of years ago, and 99% are not aware that the new era is here, yet.
Over the last few months on this podcast, you have heard success stories and insights from Kamala Robinson, Mike Culver, Allen Knight, Dan Parks, Dan Vesperman, Flavio, Joe Richard, and Dave Buchanan. Bobby Gandy, Dan Brunning, and others. Honestly, we have an entire team of people whose story needs to be told and will be in the future. They are far enough down the road and far away enough from the whirlpool that they have started to develop a new mindset, confidence, and programmed perceptions about their upside potential and what their life can be and the impact their story will have on others.
The truth is you can move forward and progress and make profits, or you can make excuses, but you can’t make both!
You have to have to be true to yourself and say, others are doing it, it is time to draw the line in the sand as you heard from Dan Vespermine last week. I can give you the path and the road, but you have to draw the line in the sand yourself!
The secret is, once you find that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and start making obnoxious money, how do you stay focused and motivated, without feeling guilty?
I believe Mr. Rohn shared with us years ago that the secret is to learn how to combine Thankfulness with Ambition, and I hope this session helps you do just that.
Referenced Websites:

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
New Era 313: Draw a Line in the Sand & Live Your Entrepreneurial Dream!
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
I believe that this session has the opportunity to have a positive impact on as many people as any session I have ever done.
My focus, my entire entrepreneurial career as it relates to team building. has been on the 27%. Teachable, honest, hard-working people that are willing to expand their comfort zone and go to work. You have heard many of their stories on this podcast.
There is nothing that fires me up more than when people that have been hanging out with me, finally get real with themselves and say you know what, no more. Today I am drawing a line in the sand and I am going for it.
In this session, you are going to hear parts of a recent team zoom where Dan Versperman shares his story. Dan said today is the day, I am drawing the line in the sand, and I am going for it.
The truth is I am sure many of you listening to this session have made similar commitments to yourself at different times over your entrepreneurial journey & you certainly didn’t make the decision one week and find yourself on the company leaderboard the next week like Dan did.
So what is the difference?
Follow these 4 steps and entrepreneurial success is guaranteed.
#1 Consciously daily program your mind for success (www.programmingyourmind.com )
#2 Have a huge 10X Dream – not a goal but a dream
#3 (95% miss it you can have 1-2 but miss #3 you are shooting yourself in the foot! ) You must be promoting the right product and service at the right time in history -and the market must care – with THE RIGHT TEAM
#4 The law of massive action to create massive numbers
As you listen to this session, you will see that Dan Vaspermine drew a line in the sand and followed all four of these steps!
References mentioned in this session:
Dale’s Programming Your Mind for Success Course
18 Months to MLM Mastery
Become and ERC Referral Partner

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
New Era 312: An Inspiring Story of Persistence.
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Everything we do and teach is for what I call the 27%ers. These are honest, hardworking, teachable people that haven’t given up on their dream. It is my pleasure to introduce you to one of them today in this session, Mr. Flavio from Streamwood, Illinois.
I have such respect for Flavio, and those like him, that take the responsibility to become self-educated, and then APPLY what they learn.
When I started the MLM Success podcast in 2015 it was my hope that those that tired of the fluff and the social club MLM had become and wanted to build a real business, would find this podcast.
As some of you know we also did a podcast series called Your First Year in Network Marketing and that is how many found the MLM Success podcast, now called THE NEW ERA OF WEALTH BUILDING.
I had no idea that someone would take the First Year in Network Marketing series, translate it to Spanish and record it on audio CDs so that they could hand it out to their downline, but somebody did, and one of those CDs landed in our special guest hands.
As you will hear Flavio has persisted in this business model for over 15 years, started with Amway, and had stents with Valentus, Ariix, and a couple more with limited success. Today he has put himself on track to earn six figures, in his first six months with our opportunity and we are excited to share his story with you.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Bobby Gandy has a very unique story. He has never been involved in Network Marketing. He has a varied professional background. Six years in the military, he spent time in the Texas Oil Fields. He worked as an Optometrist for 20 years, and for the last 15 years has been in the Portable CarPort Dealership Sales Business.
Personally, it took me 15 years in the trenches grinding and refining our systems and identifying the most valuable team-building mindsets principles that needed to be taught, before I could confidently look anyone in the eye and say If you give us one year of your life, and 100%plug into our culture, you will be a different person and your life will change in ways you can’t imagine.
You will never look at MLM team building, recruiting, and customer acquisition the same way.
That is the truth, I really mean that. The 15 years in the trenches are what have given me that confidence. I certainly didn’t have that confidence when I started my personal entrepreneurial journey.
Over my career, I have tried every way I can to encourage people to examine our team-building track record going back to our first generic training, Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire. Those that really listen to our content understand that what we do is different. Some call it old school, I call it Wisdom of the Ages.
During the momentum stage of this profession, network marketing was a personal development program with a compensation plan attached.
I understood early in my career that all self-made successful entrepreneurs traveled the same road and were teaching the same thing.
80% of the success principles in any niche are transferable, they are the same, and they are wisdom of the ages principles that have been here since the beginning of time.
However, it is the 20% in each niche that creates the culture that will allow you to thrive or put you on the never-ending Fu Fu Dust Hamster Wheel.
So on the rare occasion when I have people that just have faith, plug in 100%, and go to work, it is such a surprise, and pleasure to work with these people. Bobby Gandy is one of these people.
We are excited to feature his story in this week’s session, I think he will provide insights and a unique perspective that can only come from someone who has never been exposed to the “hype about nothing” that many network marketers have been exposed to over the past twenty years. He is able to punch the numbers on a calculator and see the opportunity clearly for what it really is.
The last time we talked he said, “For the first time in my life I have an opportunity to create Financial Independence & I am not taking it for granted, I am giving it all I have” Bobby Gandy
We have a wide variety of people on this team with various backgrounds that are here for many different reasons.
I believe many are starting to see what Bobby sees, and starting to understand that maybe for the first time in their life a real opportunity for financial independence is available for them and they don’t want to take it for granted. Bobby had to prove to himself that is was just a matter of yanking doors and giving away a free product that provides value for the business owners
It is an absolute pleasure to share his story with our podcast listeners, Bobby is one of the most teachable, plugged-in, hardworking associates I have ever had the pleasure of working with. He just listens, learns, and takes action!

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
As you listen to this session, I think it will become obvious why Dale & Sue deployed 153+ Loop Players in their first 90 days creating a $15,000+ passive monthly income.
In this session, you will learn why B2B sales reps, advertising sales companies, and outside sales reps consider the passive income opportunity available with Ihub Meta to be the best income generator that has ever existed.
Because of smart contracts on the blockchain, digital currency and decentralized finance Ihub Global has created an opportunity for representatives in the B2B space that simply wasn’t even available a couple of years ago.
Dale and Sue Whitney have many successful years Operating PathFinder Attractions, a company that works with small business owners to support their advertising and promotions efforts. They are pros in the digital advertising space and are a great support and valuable member of our CMG Ihub Meta Team.
They saw the BIG PICTURE & hit the ground running immediately sharing the unique opportunity with their existing client base and new clients. They deployed 153+ Loop Players in their first 90 days creating a $15,000+ passive income their first 90 days.
They have a vision for getting 1,000 plus players in the market place which would create over a million-dollar annual income for their business.
If you live in the New England area or anywhere in the USA and would like to learn more about the opportunity you can reach Dale & Sue here. Dale Whitney & Sue Whitney PathFinder Attractions, LLC 802-999-8638
Website for more info for business owners:

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
For years network marketing was the numbers one personal development program in the world with a compensation plan attached.
Today it is full of self-proclaimed gurus selling those that don’t know better courses and seminars with Fu Fu Dust Solutions. They are told things like
-You have to buy MLM leads
-You have to do MLM content videos on YouTube
-If you want to be perceived to be an MLM pro you must start a blog.
-Facebook live videos are the answer to building an MLM team
-No wait FB lives don’t work you need to do 3 Tik Tok Videos daily
-You need to invest $5,000 into this whiz-bang funnel system
-Everyone knows Facebook ATM systems will create a six-figure income for you in 90 Days!
And the list of worthless crap and advice goes on and on and on and on. And when they run out of ideas that just start regurgitating the same stuff in a different package.
Nobody wants to tell you the truth because truthfully, the market doesn’t want to know the truth. So gurus will tell you what you want to hear, so they can sell you what they want to sell you.
The truth is for 97% of the population to have a chance to get a network marketing business off the ground, new skill sets and mindsets must be developed. Translation, you can’t build a successful team inside your current comfort zone, you must be willing to expand it.
So how do you expand your comfort zone?
That is what you will learn in today’s session.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
New Era 308: Special Edition For Small Business Owners
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
If you are a small business owner this session is a Mandatory listen, if you want to maximize your profits in your business, with zero investment or risk.
This session will reveal to you a new never-before-seen technology that will help small business owners turn their TVs into passive income streams.
Let me say that again, you will learn how to turn your TV screens into passive income generators.
This session originally aired on LA Island Radio in Long Beach California. If you are a small business owner, you are in for a mind tweak in this session.