Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
The truth is when most people arrive on the team with the skill sets, mindsets & work ethic to get on the field and make things happen, their Ego does not allow them to plug in and become team players.
Landee Maybe arrived here with a successful team-building background with a nutritional company. She understood the once-in-a-lifetime financial opportunity the Ihub Global ERC program offered and she decided she was not going to let this opportunity pass her by.
She plugged in, got herself educated, asked the right questions, and WENT TO WORK!
She booked her call on January 26th and has been a consistent producer ever since. She has been an active member of this team, supporting and encouraging everyone on Facebook and sharing her personal success stories.
Success leaves clues.
It simply comes down to doing the monotonous, boring basics over and over and refining your skill sets and mindsets in the process.
“There ain't no fufu dust” I am excited for you to hear her story this session of the new era podcast.
Mr. Calvert’s generic training system for network marketers. www.MLMTrainingClub.com
Dale Network Marketing Training Blog
Tuesday May 02, 2023
New Era 336: The Dan Bruning Journey to 1/2 Million $$$ Income in 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
I have probably known Dan Brunning longer than anyone on this team. Dan and I met back in my NSA days, I think he was sponsored by Phil Shuff who was my sideline at the time. Some of you will remember Phil Shuff's story from session #4 of the MLM Success Podcast.
Dan has been my go-to guy over the years for all advertising specialties in our business, buttons, Tee Shirts, award pins, and on and on. I like doing business with good people.
Dan is a great human being, a fellow Kentuckian and someone I trust. I am so excited to witness the success he has had since joining us in the beginning with Ihub Global. I am excited for people to learn more about his journey.
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
The value you receive from this session is going to be based on your own naivety & cognitive dissonance.
So for that reason, we will have people from all over the world hear the financial principles outlined in this session and the information will be processed in different ways by different people. I have one goal in this session. Wake up those that need to be woken up. So you may or may not need to be awakened financially. If that is the case I hope you will forward this session to children, grandchildren, co-workers, and anyone who you feel may benefit from this information.
If it helps one person that is off track with their finances get on track financially, then it will be worth my time. Some will see this entire session as doom and gloom. I assure you that is not where I am coming from. Without question, 2023 will be one of the most rewarding, financially of my entire business career. I may not personally earn 5 million dollars, but the success stories that are going to come from our team members will be LEGENDARY.
On this week's private team call, I actually asked team members when their commissions go over $100,000 in 2023 to make sure they email
me because we are going to have so many, I am not going to be able to keep up with them all. You may not believe me, but they all know I meant it because they are watching their personal incomes and team members grow month after month. What team-building leader in history has ever made such a statement? “None – Never” - would be the correct answer.
On this podcast for almost a year, every week We have shared with you dozens of success stories that are happening right now today from team members all over the world, many of whom had never in their life made a significant side gig income, and the majority of these incomes have been created without building a team or enrolling others.
For those of you watching on YouTube, you can go here and see just some of the stories we have shared. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkrLm35JqnJ6Dc3hCFOUBs0dzeJHyWqUU There are dozens if not hundreds more you will be hearing about over the coming months.
So, NO, this session is not about doom and gloom. Even when the world is falling apart all around us, if you are with the right team, the right opportunity and you are developing the right skill sets and mindsets, LIFE IS GOOD.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC43qrmSVjtlQ6gSVG7oHeRQ
THE INSIDE JOB DOCUMENTARY https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1645089
FINANCIAL POLITICAL CRYPTO CORRUPTION IN THE UNITED STATES https://cmgcrypto.com/2023/02/20/political-crypto-corruption
SUCCESS STORIES HAPPENING IN TODAY IN 2023 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkrLm35JqnJ6Dc3hCFOUBs0dzeJHyWqUU
How to Invest in Bitcoin Safely
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
New Era 334: How Network Marketing Can Change the World ..... AGAIN
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
This is not a pitch. It is thought-provoking training for career-minded network marketing leaders. This training is not for newbies, or those looking to earn a few hundred extra dollars a month. This is for those that have the MLM Millionaire Dream still flickering. In the mid-nineties, the Network Marketing Business model was creating millionaires at record speed. What Happened? There is no question that traditional consumable product MLM opportunities are dead, done and over in Mr. Calvert's words. THE BUSINESS MODEL HAS NOT CHANGED! What has changed? You will discover in this training how Mr. Calvert believes Network Marketing Leaders are at a crossroads, and don't really understand why. He will share with you why the potential to develop more millionaires over the next 10 years than at any other time exists, in what he is calling the New Era of Team Building. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and feedback below, Mr. Calvert will respond. Websites referenced in this Training Session
Websites referenced in this Training Session:
THE 4 STAGES OF A MOVEMENT http://www.mlmhelp.com/critical 0 to a Million Dollars in 40 Days https://youtu.be/EbbdYQ9QfOE
The 7 Lies of Attraction Marketing at Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-7-lies-of-attraction-marketing-dale-calvert/1115446215
Network Marketing Leaders, Inspire Greatness or Cator to Mediocrity https://mlmhelp.com/inspire
The Land of 10,000 Unrecruited Heavy Hitters https://mlmhelp.com/land
Why the Masses Don't Have a Clue https://tinyurl.com/DCMasses
Rich Dad Poor Dad https://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dad-Poor-Teach-Middle/dp/1612681131/ref=sr_1_1? crid=12Y9Z3RPMLTI&keywords=Rich+Dad+Poor+Dad&qid=1681796721&sprefix=rich+dad+poor+dad%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1
“Never underestimate the difficulty of changing false beliefs by facts.” https://mlmsuccess.com/flexible-mlm-belief
How to Get Rich without a College Education https://tinyurl.com/nocollegeneeded
The Success Principle the Internet Has Stolen https://tinyurl.com/StolenSuccess
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Take a minute, and think about how many businesses you have been involved in. How many different businesses have you been in?
I know some of you have been in a dozen or more network marketing opportunities. Back in the day, we call those people MLM Junkies. Today I call them business pros. But do you know what the difference is between a business pro and an MLM junkie?
Pros Pivot AFTER THEY HAVE CREATED Success where they are and see a greater opportunity for themselves and their team in another trending marketing.
MLM Junkies jump from deal to deal usually following an upline THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE THEIR BEST INTEREST AT HEART – ALWAYS CHASING SUCCESS BUT NEVER ACHIEVING IT! Is that a brain tweak?
Let me add this …… Most people who think they are MLM Pros aren’t! They got lucky and road the trend straight up and will ride it straight down. They hang on, watching their check dwindle down hoping to regain momentum again.
I hope this statement gives you a Brain Tweak.
Every new business opportunity a want-a-preneur enters is a REPEAT Every new business opportunity a skilled entrepreneur enters is a PROGRESSION!
In my entire team-building career I have never promised people that they would make a penny or even turn a profit. However, I have promised that if you get 100% plugged into the systems and wisdom of the ages principles we share. Your life will change in ways that are really unexplainable.
To say the person you will become on this journey is worth more than money is a major understatement. I know, because internalizing simple wisdom of the ages success principles changed my life, and I have experienced them making huge positive impacts on thousands of team members over the past 40+ years.
So as we move forward on this entrepreneurial journey none of us really knows what the future holds.
I sincerely believe in the midst of network marketing digressing into the butt of jokes around the world. full of fake people stuck on hamster wheels going nowhere with no clue how to build a legit business …….
The developed talent on our team holds the future in the palm of our hands! I keep trying to help our team understand, WE HAVE NO COMPETITION, WE can write your own story.
With that said what are the Top 5 skillsets and mindsets that must be developed and refined moving into the future? I have some strong opinions on this, and I will be sharing them with you in this training.
#1 Opportunity in the History of the United States https://youtu.be/EbbdYQ9QfOE
Dale’s Generic Training Program http://www.MLMTrainingClub.com
Dale’s Primary Network Marketing Training Blob http://www.MLMHelp.com
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Conduct your Evaluation here:
A new era of wealth generation is here, many popular side gig opportunities like Amazon FBA, Kindle Publishing, Membership Websites, Shopify Drop Shipping, and on and on can still be profitable, but have basically peaked & have run their course.
Many of you have heard me say this many times. I don’t care what kind of business you are building. Until you are in a situation where you don’t need the profits of your business to live a comfortable lifestyle YOU HAVE NOT MADE IT.
Anyone who thinks that A NEW PERSON can start today and develop career opportunity income with a consumable product network marketing company is just fooling themselves as I talk about in detail in this session. MLM SS 300: ALL Consumable Product MLM Opportunities are Dead, Gone, Over! A New Era of Wealth Creation is Here www.MLMSuccess.com/story300
When I say a New Era of Wealth Generation, I literally mean it. I am talking about ways to generate wealth that has never existed before and are only here because of digital currency & blockchain technology.
Some people hear digital currency & blockchain technology and immediately their mind disengages for one of two reasons.
#1 People do not like change and despise learning anything that appears to be complicated. #2 In the early stages of any worthwhile, popular opportunity, all most people hear about are the scams.
When a business model gets hot you have scam artists coming out of the woodwork that is trying to sell courses trying to teach people how to profit from a trending opportunity. Many times they are trying to teach people how to do something which they have never done.
I don’t care where your mindset is around digital currency or blockchain tech. If you are an entrepreneurial-spirited person and you hear.
“There is a Cryptocurrency EcoSystem that has grown 76,000% in 6 months & creating a new Millionaire every 3 1/2 Days”
You have to evaluate it and get the facts, don’t you? This session will share with you everything you need to know to start your evaluation.
Websites referenced in this session.
Evaluation Page for this ECOSystem
Tripping Over Financial Independence for Pennies
[www.evileyecollective.com]Evil Eye Collective Store
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Odds are you stink as an entrepreneur
Let me ask you a question.
How many business opportunities or side gig money-making programs have you tried?
How many have you made money at?
In this session, Mr. Calvert will share with you a couple of mind-tweaking ideas about what it really takes to build a profitable business. You will gain insights into what the proper support structure looks like and what it really takes to become a successful entrepreneur.
If you ask most wantrepreneurs what the proper support structure should look like, they wouldn’t have a clue, what about you?
One of the secrets you will learn is to stop hanging out in tribes who are constantly trying to sell you courses, coaching, and seats to their seminar and look for cultures with leaders that are in front of trending opportunities and they only make a profit, IF YOU DO!
Mr. Calvert has been an entrepreneur his entire adult life, starting his first real business, a mail-order company out of his parents' home when he was 14 years old.
If you want to become an entrepreneur that provides quality products and services to the market profitably, this session will be time well spent.
Zero to 1 Million Dollars in 40 days. The Unbelievable Gordy and Kelly Alderson Story. (IT'S TRUE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbbdYQ9QfOE&t=280s
3 Important Wisdom of the Ages Success Principles that Most Entrepreneurs Ignore https://dalecalvert.com/ignored-success
Inspire Greatness or Cater to Mediocrity
“Never underestimate the difficulty of changing false beliefs by facts.”
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
New Era 330: Tony Shoupe Story - Life Happens, Run When You Can Run
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
If you know nothing about the Tony Shoupe story, it will be time well spent to listen to our original podcast session we recorded with Tony a couple of years ago here. https://youtu.be/UTP2eYaXYM8
Tony Shoupe will never understand how thankful I am to have him on this journey with us. I first met Tony many years ago when he was a teenager who had gone through a horrific car wreck. You can hear the story here https://mlmsuccess.com/story281. Today Tony has spent his career as a successful sales manager. He is the father of 3 daughters and lives in a small Kentucky town, Mt. Sterling.
I witnessed the personal development and team culture totally change Tony’s life. Tony was there and witnessed everything when NII, one of the Top 3 Rated network marketing companies in the world at the time, totally blew up and went into what I have referred to over the years as World War 3 mode.
I can count on 3 fingers the people that are in my life today, that really understand how bizarre that time and place was in my personal entrepreneurial career. My mom, dad, and Tony Shoupe. So thankful he is with us today, doesn’t really begin to explain it.
Tony was with us on day one when Ihub Global introduced the ERC program. Tony had a lot of life events going on at the time. He had a slow start with ERC, but as we say life happens. You have to run when you can run.
Tony would probably say that the interview we did with Shellie Giddings titled BREAK OUT TO 1 MILLION available here https://youtu.be/4IxRGEqywf4 was a mind tweak for Tony. Over the past couple of months, Tony has gotten on a roll booking 27 calls representing 528 W2’s.
Tony understands the power of unified teams and the absolute fact that
T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore
I am excited to have him as our special guest on this week's session.
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
New Era 329: Everything Changes When You Find the Right Team Culture
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
If you asked members of CMG what member has impacted your business, dozens of names would come to mind. Shellie, Allen, Kamala, Gordy & Kelly, and many more. Different people relate with different people at different points on their entrepreneurial journey.
If we asked everyone to name 5 people. The one person I am certain that would be on every team member’s list is Phillip Cantu.
Here is how Phillip describes his network marketing experience, so far.
Growing up he remembers his mom dabbling in network marketing but never experiencing any significant success.
As a teenager living in Miami Phillip was invited to a hotel opportunity meeting for Monavie, the acai berry drink company. He was immediately sold on network marketing and the power of duplication and residual income. He joined that night.
Like most people, he quit 3 months later because he didn’t believe he could do it. There was no system, just talk to people you know.
But he still believed in the power of the business model.
He joined the Army National Guard at the age of 21 During this time I got an associate degree in culinary arts, worked several random jobs, and got deployed to Afghanistan for a year.
It was during his time in Afghanistan that he decided to become an entrepreneur, after reading "The Four Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferriss.
Phillip says basically, since 2012, he’s been a wantrepreneur.
He got out of the Military in 2015 and lived in China and Asia, which we will hear more about in this podcast. During this time he attempted many online businesses with limited success.
He returned to the USA with a determination to figure out how to create residual income with network marketing.
He says Foolishly he joined a health and wellness company, Le-Vel because he saw my friend constantly sharing it on her Instagram.
He joined an Attraction Marketing team without knowing what that was, and I fell for the tainted attraction marketing philosophy.
It never worked. After a while, he noticed that the team didn't have any type of system & he didn't know what to do.
He began searching for a better way & found my podcast. Phillip said he immediately knew he needed to plug into the MLM Success Podcast.
He says eventually, after listening to Dale for months, he reached out to Dale because he said we could in his podcast. Dale replied he invited Phillip to his APLGO team zoom and was immediately awestruck with the culture of CMG team.
So long story short here he is. He has been progressing forward as most do. 4 steps forward and 3 steps back in the last couple of years since joining the CMG team.
He says he has not broken out yet, but he has been a solid producer since joining our Ihub Team. He did a great job with the Loop Boxes when living in Arizona and he moved to Mexico City shortly after the ERC program was introduced.
From Mexico City he has 25 Calls Booked Representing 323 W-2s and potentially 3,230,000 in refund for organizations and $109,820 in commissions for himself.
Two of his deals have already been submitted to IRS with $13,612.73 in estimated commissions.
He has a small active team of 5 team members and is well on his way to achieving the success he saw was possible as a teenager when he was first exposed to this business model.
Phillip has worked for us at Calvert Marketing Group for a year or so, as one of the outsourcers. Dale says we appreciate having him on our team behind the scenes.
In this session, we are going to learn a lot more about Phillip's background and goals for the future. This will be a wonderful session that I am sure many of you will get a tremendous amount of value from.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Dave Johnston from Alabama has been on the IHub Global ERC Leaderboard EVERY WEEK from day 1. Honestly, enough said, you need to hear this session.
If I am truthful, I would say, I really didn’t know how to take Dave Johnston when he first joined our CMG Team. I have seen my share of blowhards and people that talk the talk but don’t walk the walk over my career. Honestly, those were probably my initial thoughts. (Don’t laugh, I wasn’t the only one )
At this point I am sure all of us can agree, to REALLY know Dave Jonnston is to love him. I heard him say dozens of times when he first started, “I have been looking for this team, and this culture, my entire life” and he means it!
Dave has taken his personal education seriously. More importantly, he is on the field playing the GAME, now full-time EVERYDAY! He quit his job after being involved with the ERC program for about a month, and for good reason.
Here is his experience, in his own words ………………..
These are the realistic #'s with all lost and stagnated deals removed:
225 w2's at an average of $10,000.00 per w2 for a total volume of deals= $2,250,000.00
Commissions at 17%=$382,500.00
Downline volume:
429 w2's at an average of $10,000.00 = $4,290,000.00 volume of deals Commissions @ 5% = $214,500.00
That gives me a total earned commission of $597,000.00 in realistic commissions so far.
As to my thoughts on this entire scope, just look at the numbers.
Much of this represents the time I spent in the learning curve, figuring out best practices and making a lot of rookie blunders.
And I am realistically looking at over half a million in commissions so far.
I have come home dog tired, worn to the nub, and disappointed many times. But then there are the days when I have come home excited and filled with the joy of victory!
Through all of it, I plan and prepare for the next day and manage my expectations and my disappointments. And that is because I have taken the journey of moving the Wisdom of the Ages principles from my head to my heart.
And the journey continues today. I continue to refine my technique and my skill set every day. The main point is I suit up and I show up prepared to get on the field and play.
I do not allow the obstacle of disappointment nor the distraction of excitement and joy to get in the way of my daily routine of getting out on the field and playing as hard and as skillfully as I can for that day.
I think this is a good description of my current situation and attitude.
It should go without saying, that this is a session that will be time well spent.
Dave is a perfect example of someone that just decided to get 100% plugged into our team culture and internalize the wisdom of the ages Success principles, then go to work and leave it all on the field EVERYDAY.
His numbers speak for themselves! Please leave your comment for Dave and any feedback below.