
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
It seems that more and more people are attempting to build multiple income streams at the same time with multiple MLM companies.
I believe the number one reason is because they have not found ONE opportunity that can provide a full-time income within a relatively short period of time.
Keep in mind, on my personal team in 2023 we will have between 30 – 100 people that started the year at zero and will end with an income of between $100,000 and 1 Million dollars. My point is that the opportunities are out there!
The challenge is most people choose the wrong opportunities and then when the right opportunity is shared with them, they immediately move into a mindset of cognitive dissonance as described in this article. https://mlmsuccess.com/flexible-mlm-belief. Before you read any further, stop and ask yourself, am I describing you now, or at any time during your network marketing journey?
This is a state that you must guard against. “If this horse is dead, get off of it”. Sometimes you have to coast until the right opportunity at the right time in history reveals itself to you.
Honestly, what I really want to say, is that if you ever find yourself looking for the Right Opportunity at the Right Time in History, one that can take you from zero to $100,000 in income within a relatively short period of time, contact me, I will always give you a straight answer and a behind-the-curtain look!
Throughout my network marketing career, I have met many people who are attempting to build two or more network marketing businesses at the same time.
I have never met anyone who was earning $10,000 a month or a full income at the same time with multiple companies.
I have met a very minute number of people who were making $10,000 plus with one company, resigned, made a pivot to another company, and built the 2nd company to $10,000 plus while still drawing a check from the previous company.
Building one progressing, focused, duplicating team is challenging enough, adding a 2nd in the mix makes no business sense, yet that is the predicament I find myself in going into the last quarter of 2023. I hope this frank conversation will give you insights and value that can only come from someone who has been in the game as long as I have.
Websites Referenced in this podcast
The Ihub Global Advantage Opportunity
The Collect Direct Opportunity

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
In this session, you will hear the keynote training Mr. Calvert did on Friday afternoon September 22, 2023, to close out the first day of the Ihub National Convention held in Orlando Florida.
While most network marketing leaders are just trying to figure out how to help their team become profitable, the team at Calvert Market Group (CMG) is building full-time earners with the goal of becoming millionaires.
In this session, Dale explains the starting point to becoming a millionaire with the network marketing business model and how to build productive, growing teams.
Website Dale references in this session
How to Qualify to Join Dale’s IHub Team
CURT SOMMER Northern California
ALLEN KNIGH Southern California
PHILLIP CANTU Arizona/Gaugamela
MIKE CULVER Minnesota/Wisconsin

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
New Era 355: CONQUER & PROSPER! The Network Marketing Fear Zone.
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
In this session, you are getting access to a private team Zoom training Mr. Calvert held for his Collect Direct team.
Dale talks about the truth in numbers, controlling your time to do the numbers that will move your business forward, conquering fear, and how to focus on helping other network marketers of the MLM hamster wheel.
Websites referenced in this session

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Websites Referenced in this session.
The truth is, besides an occasional daydream about winning the lottery, the thought, much less a plan for creating wealth, is not something most network marketers think too much about.
If you have been listening to this podcast anytime at all you know I have a real Love Hate relationship with the network marketing business model.
I love it because of the positive impact it has had on my life and many others, I have a real disdain for what it has become.
With that said there is more disruption and delusional people in network marketing than at any time in history, yet I am more excited about the personal upside and financial potential for our team members than at any time over the past 40 years.
When 2023 ends we will have somewhere between 30- 100 people on our team who started the year with zero income and created a $100,000 + income several will earn between $200,000 - $500,000 and a couple more than that, so yes, if you can put your ego to the side, and make logical business decisions you can get Rich in Network Marketing today, while the majority are spinning on the MLM hamster wheel, getting nowhere and going broke.
I am going to give you the formula in this session, and I hope that a couple of you may have the guts to make the necessary adjustments and pivots to follow this formula and create the residual income wealth you dreamed about when you started.
The truth is, most of the people listening to this session gave up on the dream of building a real team with real customers and obtaining the lifestyle this profession offered years ago.
They have retreated to the MLM social club, hanging out with friends and faking it till they one day magically make it.
If you are ready to rekindle the dreams, goals, and passions you had when you started in the profession, this session is for you.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Don’t Resale the Lies You Bought OBLITERATE them, so no one else gets a hold of them, and Unlearn them Reeducate yourself and teach that which is True.
The biggest lie that has been propagated throughout the network marketing profession is that Direct Outreach to your target market is a bad idea.
In the real business world, this happens every day, it is a normal, common, business practice, it is called headhunting.
How is it possible that such a common sense, logical approach to finding frustrated distributors in other companies that you may be able to help, has been DEMONIZED?
In this session, Mr. Calvert will share with you how this false philosophy has been propagated throughout the MLM industry to pad the pockets of a few and keep the masses blind.
It is our hope that this session doesn’t just give you a paradigm shift but actually makes you ashamed that you have participated in spreading the #1 lie in Network Marketing.
False ideas have been propagated throughout the network marketing industry to keep the checks in those in legacy companies from dwindling away and the newbies and the naive depending on self-proclaimed gurus and their next course or seminar.

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
New Era 352: The Network Marketing Wellness Niche is Blockbuster
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
A private invite-only session for credible, document team builders in the wellness network marketing niche.

Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
This session is designed for serious, career-minded network marketing team builders. People who care more about reaching their goals than anything else.
Let me say that again, I want to be clear. This is for people who want to build a real MLM team with real customers and CARE MORE ABOUT REACHING THEIR GOALS THAN ANYTHING ELSE.
If this is not you, my suggestion is that you skip this session because it is only going to piss you off and cause you to send me hate e-mail attempting to defend a MLM guru that you should have never been paying any attention to in the first place.
I don’t need that drama, and the odds are you have been perfectly happy spinning around on the MLM hamster wheel, so just stay there, you are happy, I am happy and neither of us needs the drama. Is that cool?
Let’s be safe, I want you to check out my new website.
www.100KSideGig.com On the front page is a new 4-minute video, watch that before you continue listening. If it totally pisses you off, I promise you, you will not be able to listen to this session without blowing a gasket so don’t even try. The website again is www.100KSideGig.com
Websites referenced in this podcast:
Free Network Marketing is a Scam? Training Program
Poaching MLM Distributors Behind the Curtain

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Over the past couple of years, it has become very clear to me that much of what I perceive to be common sense or accepted wisdom of the age’s success principles isn’t for most of the people that have been hanging out in entrepreneurial niches for years.
I have always known that the masses don’t really understand why some of us are not happy working 40 hours a week for a paycheck and then using the rest of our time to play video games, watch Netflix, attend concerts and sporting events, plan 1 vacation a year and in general find ways to entertain ourselves.
If you can relate to the statement above this session will give you the answers you have been looking for.
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
The Great American Box
Dale’s MLM Training Club
Dale’s Programming Your Mind for Success
The MLM Box

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
This session was recorded in August of 2023. Gordy and Kelly Alderson in 10 months have come from basically unknowns in the MLM world to IHub Global ERC Living Legends.
They made the pivot with our team in November of 2022 and in ten months have already earned over 1 million dollars in commissions and will probably end the year in 2023 somewhere between 1 ½ - 2 million dollars.
I have known the Alderson’s for over 25 years. I first met them when they joined our NII organization about 30 years ago.
In this session, they will share their entrepreneurial journey and the road they have traveled which has led to their legendary success.
Websites mentioned in this session:

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
At the time of this record, we have developed 10 team members that have gone from zero to six figures this year. I feel we will have between 30 and 100 team members reach six figures this year.
Geno Tre Kel is one of those. After 30 years in MLM and 5 companies he has broken the six-figure barrier, enjoy these insights from Geno.
Websites referenced in this session: