
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
If you have been around this profession anytime at all you have heard the phrase, Ignorance on Fire is better than knowledge on Ice, and I 100% agree with that.
Knowledge not implemented and put into action creates self-delusion.
However, nothing is more powerful than Knowledge Applied Consistently. Not even ignorance on fire.
Success in network marketing is a 3-5 year game plan, always has been and always will be.
Websites Mentioned in this Session:

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
This session is going to be unlike any I have ever done. Honestly, I had plans for another topic, but have just been pushed in this direction, so I am going to go for it. If it is not what you were expecting, I understand and I apologize in advance. Next week should be more of “my normal” which I understand is never normal.
The last thing I was trying to do was offend anyone but if you are a stickler for political correctness, this is not for you.
Websites referenced in the podcast:
Free Vacation Certificates www.dalecalvert.com/marketingboost
Biden Stirring the Pot Threatening Border Patrol Officers:
National Border Control Council Vice President comments and video https://youtu.be/KE7bPJ9sWBU
Cursing and Foul Language in Business
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing
Dale’s North America Launch Team
Dale’s Private Network Marketing Leadership Develop Academy

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Ok, you are in your twenties, you want to live in a mansion, fly in your own private plane around the country, be on the cover of magazines, have limos pick you up everywhere you go, be on hundreds of TV stations, need security guards to walk with you everywhere at big events to keep the crowds away.
Dale says, I have been there and done it, and honestly, I wasn’t looking for any of that. “I just wanted to make $100,000 a year without a Boss” But if you are in your twenties, and you want to live your personal dream lifestyle, WHATEVER THAT MEANS FOR YOU …. the wisdom of the ages truths that Dale will share with you in this session will be some of the most valuable advice you will receive over your network marketing career.
So get out your journal and get ready to notes.
Training Sessions & Videos referenced in this session:
Dale’s Story https://mlmsuccess.com/story
Podcast with Dale and his dad www.MLMSuccess.com/story41
Network Marketing Lead Generation 5.0 www.MLMSuccess.com/story254
Understand the Pendulum in Your Mind. https://youtu.be/44tcThnZ4QQ
YOU are ALREADY Successful Video https://youtu.be/DTwQ4AtYVD4
Three Secrets Nobody will Share with You

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Success in network marketing is created by becoming the right person, not finding the right person. You build people, people will build the business. Some people can build a following of distributors with the skill sets, contacts, social media presence, and credibility they have when they enter the profession, BUT DUPLICATING TEAMS CAN ONLY BE BUILT SEQUENTIALLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY.
There is a formula to replacing your current full-time income and then financial independence with the network marketing business model.
Personally recruiting 3-5 new customers/distributors a month will lead you to 3 of the right people a year that WANT IT AS BAD AS YOU DO. You do this for 3 years you are now not just a superstar in your company, but one of the elite network marketers in the entire industry.
So the question becomes, how do you recruit 3-5 new team members a month? That and much more will be discussed in this session of the MLM Success podcast.
Websites and resources listed in this session:
SAFE LIST www.DaleCalvert.com/listjoe
The 4 Stages of a Movement.
Network Marketing is a Scam
It couldn’t happen with a USA MLM Start-Up Company.
Direct Outreach Recruiting
MLM Gateway Scam

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
MLM SS 253: Tapestri. Really? WHY?
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Is it really a good idea to join a network marketing business based upon the cost to join the business?
Does it make sense to get involved with a company that is trying to enter an industry that is approaching a trillion dollars?
Dale will discuss this and many more questions in this podcast session.
Websites mentioned in this session:
Aplgo ALT & BRN https://us.aplgo.com/en/acumullitsa/#items
How I sponsored 117 people in 30 Days without Trying
Behind the MLM Curtain
3 Network Marketing Team Building Secrets Nobody will share with you EVER!

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
MLM SS 252: The Best Time Management Philosophy on the Planet
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
The title says it all. If you are a high-performance person who wins daily, or has the goal to this training will speak to you and provide a huge positive impact on your entrepreneurial future.
Websites mentioned in the Session:
RUN WHEN YOU CAN RUN www.mlmsuccess.com/story57

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
It may be counterintuitive but I am asking you to just consider the possibility that falling in love with your Network Marketing products can be a roadblock to your financial success. It is our hope that this session will create an insight and paradigm shift.
Websites mentioned in this:
THE NETWORK MARKETING HAMPSTER WHEEL www.mlmsuccess.com/story235
FALSE PRIDE Keep Most Network Marketers Broke

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Is there a way to guarantee your success in Network Marketing?
Dale believes there absolutely is. In fact, in this session, he is going to share with you the exact formula he is using and teaching today to help many people who have been hanging around in network marketing for years in a state of frustration to now be able to progress and move forward every single month in their business follow this simple formula outlined in this session.
Websites and Resources mentioned in this podcast:
How to market your product with a Button
Why Most Network Marketers are Confused
How to Master Network Marketing Lead Generation
The 4 Stars that Must line up to give you a chance at mlm success www.mlmsuccess.com/4stars
Facing the Giants (The Death Crawl Scene}
Great Motivation Music & Video here

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
MLM SS 249: Are You Building A Team Or Operating An MLM Flea Market?
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Over the last 40 years, I have met thousands of people that are earning $10,000+ a month with network marketing. I have never MET ONE PERSON WHO is WORKING 2 OR MORE COMPANIES AT THE SAME TIME and making anywhere close to 10 K a month with any of them.
So the question becomes, have you fallen into the MLM Flea Market Trap?
That is what we talk about today in this session of the MLMSuccess.com podcast.
Websites referenced in this session:

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
MLM SS 248: I Will Never Quit My Network Marketing Company ... Maybe You Should.
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
In this session, Dale will cover another Taboo subject. If you have been involved in the network marketing business model anytime at all you have heard over and over “Don’t Ever Quit”.
Dale disagrees. He will be the first to tell you to never quit your entrepreneurial pursuits, but let's face it the network marketing business model is not for everyone!
If you personally have been focusing 5 -10 hours a week on building your network marketing business for six months, and you have not sponsored anyone at all. YOU SHOULD QUIT or possibly pivot.
In this session, Dale will talk about when to quit network marketing and find another business niche to peruse or when to simply pivot.
Websites Mentioned in this podcast:
Goal MLM Millionaire