
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
MLM SS 267: Programming Your Mind For Success Workshop: Session 3
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Dale calls this workshop “The most important information I will ever share with entrepreneurial spirited people”. Your personal upside potential is always in relationship to your mental expectations and programing.
The truth is there are more opportunities for entrepreneurs to create their ideal life than at any time in the history of the world. There are also more challenges, and personal education and reprogramming your mindsets are required. But you will never take the steps to move forward if self-limiting beliefs are not identified and re-programmed.
Dale has been teaching his 15 minutes a day to the Program Your Mind for Success Program for over 30 years and thousands of people have gone through this program, followed the 15 min daily program, and develop a mindset where they enter every day knowing they are going to win, and they do.
It doesn’t take motivation, or focus, this program develops people that are focused and motivated. It doesn’t take effort when you are programmed for success. You just naturally live your life daily expecting to win in all areas of life. We all must act daily in accordance with our mental programming.
Programming Your Mind for Success Workshop:
Behind the Scenes
What is the Programming Your Mind for Success Membership?

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
MLM SS 266: Programming Your Mind For Success Workshop: Session 2
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Dale calls this workshop “The most important information I will ever share with entrepreneurial spirited people”. Your personal upside potential is always in relationship to your mental expectations and programing.
The truth is there are more opportunities for entrepreneurs to create their ideal life than at any time in the history of the world. There are also more challenges, and personal education and reprogramming your mindsets are required. But you will never take the steps to move forward if self-limiting beliefs are not identified and re-programmed.
Dale has been teaching his 15 minutes a day to the Program Your Mind for Success Program for over 30 years and thousands of people have gone through this program, followed the 15 min daily program, and develop a mindset where they enter every day knowing they are going to win, and they do.
It doesn’t take motivation, or focus, this program develops people that are focused and motivated. It doesn’t take effort when you are programmed for success. You just naturally live your life daily expecting to win in all areas of life. We all must act daily in accordance with our mental programming.
Programming Your Mind for Success Workshop:
Behind the Scenes
What is the Programming Your Mind for Success Membership?

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
MLM SS 265: Programming Your Mind For Success Workshop: Session 1
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Dale calls this workshop “The most important information I will ever share with entrepreneurial spirited people”. Your personal upside potential is always in relationship to your mental expectations and programing.
The truth is there are more opportunities for entrepreneurs to create their ideal life than at any time in the history of the world. There are also more challenges, and personal education and reprogramming your mindsets are required. But you will never take the steps to move forward if self-limiting beliefs are not identified and re-programmed.
Dale has been teaching his 15 minutes a day to the Program Your Mind for Success Program for over 30 years and thousands of people have gone through this program, followed the 15 min daily program, and develop a mindset where they enter every day knowing they are going to win, and they do.
It doesn’t take motivation, or focus, this program develops people that are focused and motivated. It doesn’t take effort when you are programmed for success. You just naturally live your life daily expecting to win in all areas of life. We all must act daily in accordance with our mental programming.
Programming Your Mind for Success Workshop:
Behind the Scenes
What is the Programming Your Mind for Success Membership?

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
MLM SS 264: The $100K Challenge for 2022
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
In this session, you are going to hear something that you have never heard, ever, in the history of network marketing. Dale is calling it the $100,000 Challenge in 2022.
Dale will explain how he can teach anyone who has never been involved in network marketing, or never met a profit how to create a $100,000+ Income over the next 12 months. With only one hour of training, Dale will show exactly what and where to copy and paste what he calls the perfect promotion.
You must be willing to devote 5 hours a week to this activity, and because of the data collected thus far, and the timing of this unique opportunity Dale believes anyone who follows this system will set themselves up over the next 12 months to earn $100,000+ on the side over the next 12 months. He is calling this the $100K Challenge for 2012 and this podcast will give you the details.
Websites mentioned in this session:
The $100,000 a Year in 12 Months Opportunity
Ben Calvert Dale’s dad on Side Gig Income, Keeping a Journal,
& Building a Real Business www.mlmsuccesspodcasts.com/story41
Programming Your Mind for Success
Behind the Scenes
What is the Programming Your Mind for Success Membership?

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
This session is going to be somewhat of a brain dump. The first thing I just need to do is document a report I wrote about 2 weeks ago called the game plan to six figures a month within 6 months.
This report was written for experienced successful team builders, you can send us an email if you would like a copy of the PDF because it will never be made available publicly for reasons that will become obvious in this podcast.
I sincerely believe the experience myself and many others have had over the past few weeks, is a great example when not only the 4 stars line up, but the perfect marketing message to the perfect audience.
The first thing you should know is what I am about to share with you in this session is not theory. IT IS A CASE STUDY that I believe will be evergreen and I hope will provide valuable insights for you now and for others far into the future.
In 7 weeks, I have built the team that was projected to provide me a million-dollar annual income. So, when I talk about six figures a month within six months, I believe by the time you finish this report, you will know that opportunities still exist when preparation, the right timing, work ethic, and marketing message meet.
Resources mentioned in this session:
Dale’s personal website - blog
The North America Launch Team
The 2 Minute IHub Global Explanation Video (Prior to 11-6)
Current Price of HNT Helium Coin.
Official IHub Global Updated Info
Worldwide Hotspot Locator
As always, your comments, questions and
feedback is appreciated.

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
All of us are who we are based upon what was programmed into our mind from birth to about 12 years old by our parents and other authority figures in our life, and the culture, environment, country where we were raised.
For the rest of our life, we reinforce this program with our own self-talk. Sometimes we need to stop and ask ourselves, is the programming we were given as a child the programming we want to live the rest of our life with?
If it is not, we have to understand we are the only ones that can change it. Our programming determines how we view our life, our upside income potential, and every other aspect of our life.
There is no zoom call, seminar, training program, or business niche that can create success for us, only our mindsets and work ethic. Yes, the timing of your business is very important and why Dale gives listeners a heads up on the metaverse in this podcast, but this is not the determining factor in network marketing.
Positive expectation is a critical component that is missed by the masses. Network marketing is a personal development program with a compensation plan attached.
Websites covered in this session"
Dale’s Programming Your Mind for Success Course
The APLGO Business
Dale’s Private MLM Training Club
The IHub Global Helium Build Out
Facebooks move into the Metaverse

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
MLM SS 261: Predatory MLM
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
This is not a topic I feel comfortable talking about, BUT I FEEL THE TIME IS NOW.
Some of you may or may not have heard that the FTC has contacted virtually every active network marketing company in the USA a few days ago on Oct. 26th notifications /warnings went out, mainly around the issue of income claims.
Honestly, this is nothing new, except for the fact they have basically put every company in the USA on notice.
The real issue is the anti-MLM movement is alive and well, and many former & current distributors do not understand the difference between an illegal pyramid scheme and the network marketing business model. However, some disgruntled former distributors' complaints have merit. Over the years I have seen many value-focused leaders slip into predatory business practices. At any time if you are encouraging people or pressuring them to do more volume than their auto-ship requirements, to buy more product than they need that month, etc., so you can reach a rank, car bonus, or any other contest, or award YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!
Resources and websites mentioned in the article.
The 2 MIN IHub Global Video (Must See) www.dalecalvert.com/ihubglobal
The Most Deranged News Story in History https://youtu.be/ffmhcph_oPs
FREE Network Marketing is a Scam Training Course www.mlmscam-2.com

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
If you are a long-time listener to this podcast, this session is going to be a brain tweak. Last Monday on our private team training call, I made the statement:
The perfect recruiting system for this time and place in history.
Think about that, what if you upline made such a statement on your zoom this week? How would you react? Probably the way many of my team members did. But … What if it was true?
As you know the numbers don’t lie and I will share the numbers in this session of the MLM Success Podcast. As my friend Dave Buchanan says: "Dale Calvert don’t blow no smoke!"
Websites mentioned in this session:
Dale’s New book The 7 Best Ways to Create Network Marketing Leads in 2022 https://cmgroup.groovepages.com/7ways
Dale’s MLM Training Website www.MLMHelp.com
How to Evaluate the Upside Potential of a Network Marketing Opportunity www.mlmsuccess.com/4stars
My buddy Dave Buchanan’s website:

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Mathew 8:13 AS YOU BELIEVE, SO SHALL IT BE DONE UNTO YOU. Until you choose to embrace this wisdom of the age’s truth, you will always spin on what I call the MLM Hamster Wheel.
We don’t get what we want, we get what we expect, and yes personal development is not an option if you want to maximize your upside potential with the network marketing business model, IT IS A REQUIREMENT.
Websites Mentioned in the Session:
The Box
Panama Summer Adventure (Kelly)
4 Stars Videos on YouTube with Chad’s comments

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
MLM SS 258: How to Create Your Network Marketing “LUCK”
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
The Acrovyn for:
Luck that I have heard over the years is Laboring
Dale is not sure if that is common or something obscure he picked up early in his career or part of the mainstream personal development culture? In this episode, Dale will share with you how to create your own luck and also a concept he calls KDE. We hope this session speaks to you.
Websites Referenced in this Session:
Dale’s Team www.NorthAmericaLaunchTeam.com
Ignorance on Fire is Not Better than Knowledge Applied Consistently. www.mlmsuccess.podcasts/story257
Ready FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, Entrepreneurs https://mlmsuccess.com/story148