
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Mining HNT and the passive income potential of The People’s network has put all participants in a different world almost. It is like we are all living in the untamed wild wild west.
This HNT Mining world is full of high IQ geeks, millionaire entrepreneur team builders, and everyone in between.
I think the reason there is so much intensity and confusion around this space, is because everyone understands the IOT Network is not theory, it is happening, we have all watched it grow since it got our attention. How many hotspots were deployed when you start following the deployment? What
was the price of HNT cryptocurrency then?
So the opportunity to generate long-term passive income is real, it is not going away, and it is very unique compared to other types of business models people may have been exposed to.
So When you throw all of these people into the melting pot you end up with hundreds if not thousands of different opinions and articles and videos all over the internet
In this session, I want to share with you 3 key points, that I hope those that are considering getting involved in this exciting project can agree on.
Websites Referenced in this Session:
FOR MINERS https://youtu.be/7DSwMsZKRQA
The Best Helium HNT Miners for 2022 – Product Reviews and Buyer’s Guide (Plus Bonus Video Training)
Calvert Marketing Book Club FREE TO JOIN
Who is Dale Calvert

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
This podcast is really for established network marketing leaders or those well on their way.
If you are a sports fan you are familiar with the college sports transfer portable that is now available to all college athletes The truth is a transfer portable of sorts has always been available to all network marketers.
College athletes use the transfer portable to improve their upward mobility toward their dream of a pro career. Managers and leaders in corporate America use head hunters to find better opportunities and the list goes on and on.
For some reason, network marketing leaders are content to stay with companies whose opportunities have already peaked. If you are a focused, career-minded leader maybe now is the time to enter the network marketing transfer portal.
Websites and References from this session:
Dr. Pepper Transfer Portal Commercial
You are Already a Success Video Training from Dale Calvert
Earn Cryptocurrencies Driving Your Car
Create Positive Cashflow with Ebay and Online Auctions

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
MLM SS 275: Formulaic Mindsets: How To Have A Fired Up Focused February
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
In this session, Mr. Calvert will introduce you to a concept he calls FORMULAIC MINDSETS.
Does this idea of Formulaic Mindsets make sense to you?
We hope this session will give you a game plan of the actions you can take in February to create new patterns, philosophies, and habits that will put your month and year on the right track to a progressive monthly process.
There is nothing special about February. The 3- Question process Dale walks you through in this training is applicable any month of the year. As always, your thoughts and comments are appreciated.
Does the philosophy of FORMULAIC MINDSETS make sense for you? Let us know. Have a fired-up-focused month.
Website mentioned in this session:

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
MLM SS 274: Preparation – Success - Engagement
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Real Success Happens when Preparation and Real Opportunity Meet. Preparation happens with the right mentorship and right team culture and personal development activities.
In this session, Dale shares about the positive impact recently deceased University of Kentucky basketball coach Joe B. Hall had on his life as a young man. He also discusses the impact Shaklee Master Coordinator Jim Burke had on his business career and how Mr. Burke never even knew it.
I have no doubt, if I hadn’t found the right mentor, I wouldn’t be doing this podcast today.
You will learn why you can not have lasting success without proper preparation and mentorship. Dale reveals why lack of proper mentorship is one of the main reasons the profession is in the state it is in today, instead of being at the top of the entrepreneurial revolution that is happening around the world. Of course, he takes a parting shot at the beach ball head self-proclaimed gurus that have been attempting to teach the profession for years how to do something they never personally accomplished.
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
The Anti-MLMer’s Game of Appealing to Victims instead of Inspiring Greatness

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
MLM SS 273: The Real Secret to Network Marketing Success in 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
If all you want to know is the Secret watch this:
Mr. Calvert says the subtitle of this session could be. The Only Possible Way to Create Network Marketing Success in 2022.
He also says the truth is, nobody on the planet can give you this SECRET other than the person talking to you on this podcast. He acknowledges that statement sounds extremely egotistical. When it comes to network marketing success, the truth is Dale Calvert, has devoted his life to understanding what it really takes for the average person with above average desire, what he calls the 27% to create Success in network marketing. He first wrote about the 27% philosophy in the Masses book in https://amzn.to/33zjYMw
When Dale says success. he is not talking about getting your autoship free, or making a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars profit here and there.
Dale is talking about joining a company, making a profit your first month or for sure within your first 90 days, and then putting yourself on a path where your organization and income grows month after month, until you are able to be full-time. Your team and income should continue to grow year after year until you are able to become full-time, develop financial independence, and then if you choose …….. legacy wealth.
I am talking about using the network marketing business model to put you in a state where you don’t need the check from your MLM company, or anyone else to live a comfortable lifestyle. Real Financial Independence.
If the network marketing business vehicles don’t supply that type of upside potential, then why do it?
Again, Mr. Calvert acknowledges how egotistical it sounds to say I am the only person on the planet that can reveal to you the only way possible to create network marketing success in 2022. It is very humbling. Because of that Dale feels obligated to share this information with you. Do with it as you wish or ignore it. However, we believe for some of you, your prayer is about to be answered.
The Only Possible Way to Create Network Marketing Success in 2022.
The #1 $100,000 Side Gif in the USA
Cryptocurrency Moonshot = Best Sidegig Opportunity for 2022
The easiest way to make $100 in Monthly Passive Income

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
MLM SS 272: 6 Reasons The Anti-MLM Talking Heads Have Zero Credibility
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
See this session on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/8Lb5j_ptmxg
In this session entrepreneur, author, investor, and team builder Dale Calvert will provide psychological evidence why former network marketers who do not learn how to deal with their burdens properly can cause major harm to their emotional wellbeing.
He will also discuss why attempting to make things worse for-profit and lying to yourself about your motivation is not a good idea for anti-MLM content creators.
This is a thought-provoking session that those who produce anti-MLM content and more importantly those that listen to it can deeply benefit from. As always, intelligent comments, questions, and feedback are always appreciated.
The #1 Team Building Opportunity for 2022

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Welcome to the first podcast session of 2022, My name is Dale Calvert and I appreciate each and every one of you that listen to this podcast and provide me feedback, it means more than you know.
The title of this session is “To Thy Own Self Be True” and in this session, I am preaching to the choir. This is for me as much as it is for anyone who listens. I have no idea what the future of this podcast will be, it is something that has been in constant debate with myself about and at this point, I hoped I would have a clear direction about it. So in this session, I want to share 6 ideas that as we start 2022 I would hope that every listener is clear about, and at the end, I have a couple of people that I want to recognize. So, with that said welcome to the MLM Success podcast and this session titled. To thy own self be true.
Websites Mentioned in this Session:
www.MLMHelp.com Dale’s Network Marketing Generic Blog
The 5 Stars Video “The Best Team Building Opportunity of 2022” https://youtu.be/2_ibRV6j2m8
Dale’s Private MLM Training Club http://www.MLMTrainingClub.com
The Great America Box Video Training https://youtu.be/dAqKh9MLwS4
Hire Dale to Speak for Your Organization www.DaleCalvert.com
Create Lead for Your Business with Website Traffic Exchanges http://cmgdigitalproperty.com/website-traffic-exchanges

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
MLM SS 270: 3 Mandatory Network Marketing Team Builder Paradigm Shifts
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
This training session is designed for career-minded team members who are desperate to help their team WIN. In this session, Dale Calvert will share with you insights that can only come from a 40-year network marketing pro who has studied, business trends, human psychology & performance, and the downward trend of the network marketing profession.
Dale will share with you the 3 network marketing mind shifts that most occur in today's network marketing environment to give yourself and your team a fighting chance for success.
Dale's Private Team Zoom The Emotional State of the Market Place https://youtu.be/bZTVd40cg2w
Find Dale on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3qv3JYS
The 4 Stage of a Movement
The Best Network Marketing Opportunity of 2022 (The 5 STARS have lined Up) https://youtu.be/2_ibRV6j2m8
What Ever Happened to Retail Sales in Network Marketing? Article here: https://mlmhelp.com/retail
The Most Delusion Business on the Planet Podcast session http://www.mlmsuccess.com/story230
Dale Private Training Program
Dale teachs Network Marketing Lead Generation in this recorded webinar http://www.LocalMLMLeads.com
Dale's legendary Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire Training http://www.MLMConfessions.com
Dale's Network Marketing Blog
Hire Dale to Speak at your next event http://www.DaleCalvert.com
Do you need Motivation? You will find it here: http://www.PureMotivation.com

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
MLM SS 269: Is It Time To Get Your Act Together? - Featuring Dr. Jordan Peterson
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Einstein said, “Ignorance at its highest level is to do what you have always done, the way you have always done it, expecting different results”.
Truer words have never been spoken, but this is exactly how many will approach 2022, what about you?
This session features a talk from Professor Gordon Peterson and Dale covers five philosophies from Dr. Peterson's talk that can help all of us take our act to a new level in 2020 and beyond.
Websites referenced in this session:

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
MLM SS 268: Programming Your Mind For Success Workshop: Session 4
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Dale calls this workshop “The most important information I will ever share with entrepreneurial spirited people”. Your personal upside potential is always in relationship to your mental expectations and programing.
The truth is there are more opportunities for entrepreneurs to create their ideal life than at any time in the history of the world. There are also more challenges, and personal education and reprogramming your mindsets are required. But you will never take the steps to move forward if self-limiting beliefs are not identified and re-programmed.
Dale has been teaching his 15 minutes a day to the Program Your Mind for Success Program for over 30 years and thousands of people have gone through this program, followed the 15 min daily program, and develop a mindset where they enter every day knowing they are going to win, and they do.
It doesn’t take motivation, or focus, this program develops people that are focused and motivated. It doesn’t take effort when you are programmed for success. You just naturally live your life daily expecting to win in all areas of life. We all must act daily in accordance with our mental programming.
Programming Your Mind for Success Workshop:
Behind the Scenes
What is the Programming Your Mind for Success Membership?